Harmony Vallejo

CEO, founder, and president of Universal Events Inc.

Harmony Vallejo’s lifelong mission has been to make the world a better place, believing that those who are capable have a responsibility to help others, no matter how small the gesture. Today, she has dedicated herself to supporting nonprofits and ethical businesses by managing their administrative and branding initiatives.

Harmony founded her own business to provide essential services to nonprofits. Alongside leading her business, Harmony also prioritizes aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly young women, to chase their dreams of business ownership.

“My passion for helping others inspired me to found Universal Events Inc. I realized that many nonprofits and businesses needed help with branding and back-end administrative functions and that many simply didn’t have the in-house resources or experience to handle it all. I wanted to help these organizations get the recognition they deserve and provide them with the support they need. You could say it’s all a part of my own personal mission of making the world a better, happier place,” Harmony said in an interview with Youngupstarts.com.

This mission drove Harmony to establish Universal Events Inc., a company composed of a dedicated team of professionals united by the goal of strengthening the connections between nonprofits, ethical businesses, and their communities.